ISEE Lower Level & What to Expect

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ISEE Lower Level and

What to Expect

Students applying to 5th and 6th grade take the Lower Level ISEE. The Lower Level ISEE can be completed on a computer or on paper. The five components of the lower level ISEE are:

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Mathematics Achievement
  • Essay

To know more about what to expect in each section, check the table below:

Understanding Each

Lower Level ISEE Sections

When taking the ISEE for lower levels, the student can expect a unique set of questions in each section. Each of the five sections aims to get a better understanding of the student’s capabilities. The student’s verbal reasoning skills, quantitative reasoning skills, reading comprehension, mathematics achievement, and writing skills will be tested.

The Verbal Reasoning section

Will test a student’s ability to analyze and understand written material. It composes of 36 questions that must be answered in 20 minutes. The questions will be based on reading passages, analyzing relationships among words, and completing analogy questions.

The Quantitative Reasoning section

Measures a student’s ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems. This section has 38 questions that students have 35 minutes to complete. It covers basic Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Problem solving, and Numbers and Operations.

The Reading Comprehension section

Tests a student’s ability to read and comprehend written material. It has 25 questions that students have 25 minutes to answer. The questions will be based on reading passages with multiple choice answers.

The Mathematics Achievement section

Measures how well the student solves mathematical problems. This section has 30 questions, and the students are only given 30 minutes to complete them. These questions are based on basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation.

The Essay section

Is the last section of the Lower Level ISEE. In this section, students are given 30 minutes to write an essay on a given topic. This essay will not be graded but will show how well the student develops their ideas, organizes their thoughts, and expresses themselves in writing. The school in which the student is applying for will evaluate the essay.

What to

Bring on Test Day

It is important that students come to the test prepared and with the necessary items. Some of the items that students will need are a photo ID, their ISEE admission ticket, number two pencils, and erasers. It is also essential that students bring a snack and beverage for the breaks and a jacket or sweater as the testing room may be cold.

Ways to Prepare for the

ISEE Lower Level

There are many ways that students can prepare for the Lower Level ISEE. Some students prefer to study on their own while others prefer to have a tutor. There are also test prep books and online programs that can help students prepare.

No matter which way the student chooses to study, it is crucial that they start early and practice as much as possible. The more the student practices, the better they will perform on test day.


Lower Level Prep

Aisha’s ISEE Tutors have been successfully preparing students for the ISEE Lower Level exam for over a decade. Our proven techniques and strategies will help you improve your score and feel confident on test day.

We offer individualized tutoring programs that are tailored to your specific needs and strengths. We also provide practice materials and full-length mock exams to help you prepare. Thousands of students have improved their scores with our help, and we can do the same for you.

Call us today (insert phone number) to get started!