ISEE Tutoring
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What is

The Educational Records Bureau designed the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) as a set of admissions tests (ERB). ISEE examinations are utilized by private institutions worldwide to assess their candidates’ academic readiness. When applying for admission to a private school for the next year, students in grades one through eleven may be required to take an ISEE exam. This test also helps evaluate students’ academic strengths and weaknesses, and universities can use ISEE scores to track your academic progress throughout your school career.
The Different
Levels of ISEE
Because private middle and high schools use the ISEE to screen students for entrance, several levels of the test are offered based on your level of education. There are four levels of testing provided by the ISEE: primary, lower, middle, and upper. The primary level includes grades two to four, with each grade having its own unique test. The lower, middle, and higher levels, on the other hand, each have a single test that covers numerous grades.
Students must take the exam for the grade level they will be entering, not the grade level in which they are presently enrolled in. The table below indicates the grades each level contains.
Format for ISEE
The ISEE is available in both an online and a paper format. The paper version is only accessible for lower, middle, and upper-level exams, but the online form is available for all ISEE levels. There is no paper format option for primary ISEE examinations. Format availability may be further restricted by testing location.
Students will see the same questions and have the same amount of time to finish the test whether they choose to take it online or on paper. The testing experience, on the other hand, differs between the formats.
During the ISEE computer test, the students answer the questions on screen, and they must type in their answers to the essay prompt. Scratch paper and pencils are available if students need to work out problems away from the computer.
Students who take the ISEE paper test will see the exact examination as those who take it online, but questions will be given in a physical testing booklet. Answers on the paper test must be written in blue or black ink on a separate answer sheet with a #2 or HB pencil. On the other hand, the answers to essays must be written in blue or black pen on a separate document. In the blank spaces of the testing booklet, scratch work can be done if needed.
The Difference
Between ISEE and SSAT

The Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT), like the ISEE, is a private school applications evaluation used to examine applicants. Both examinations are for students applying to grades three through twelve. However, only the ISEE includes a section for those applying into second grade. While some institutions require students to take either the ISEE or the SSAT, several private schools enable students to pick which test they want to take.
It’s crucial to think about the differences of the ISEE and the SSAT when choosing between the two examinations. In terms of structure and content, the ISEE and SSAT are quite similar. Both tests have elementary, middle, and high school levels. They also cover reading, writing, verbal abilities, and math. However, the ISEE and the SSAT have different question types, with the ISEE having synonym and quantitative reasoning questions and the SSAT having analogy questions.
The verbal portion of the SSAT includes nonfiction, fiction, and poetry pieces, but the ISEE only includes nonfiction sections. Students should practice each sort of question to see which one best matches their abilities.
In addition, the two tests are graded differently. The ISEE does not penalize erroneous responses, but the SSAT deducts a quarter of a point for each incorrect answer. Also, the ISEE presents both of its math components as distinct scores on the score report for lower, medium, and upper ISEE levels, but the SSAT combines both of its math sections into a single score. As a result, ISEE scores place a greater emphasis on mathematical knowledge, whereas SSAT scores emphasize verbal abilities.

What Is
On The ISEE?

While the length and complexity of the four ISEE levels differ, they always include a reading component, a math portion, and a writing prompt. Each exam’s parts, as well as the number of questions and time limit, are shown in the tables below.
ISEE Primary Level 2
Entrance to Grade 2
ISEE Primary Level 3
Entrance to Grade 3
ISEE Primary Level 4
Entrance to Grade 4
ISEE Lower Level
ISEE Middle Level
The Sections
Of the ISEE

Verbal Reasoning
The ISEE Verbal Reasoning portion exists on all three levels of the exam: lower, middle, and upper. The section uses two types of questions to assess vocabulary and logical reasoning: synonyms and sentence completions.
1. Sentence Completion Questions
A single upper-case word is presented to the test taker in a synonym question. After that, the test taker must select the response choice that has the term with the closest comparable meaning to the upper-case word.
2. Synonym Questions
A sentence with one or more words omitted is used in sentence completion questions. The students must choose the answer choice that best completes the phrase.

Quantitative Reasoning
For the lower, middle, and upper levels of the ISEE, the Quantitative Reasoning test is the first part of two math sections. This part is intended to assess student’s abilities to think and reason mathematically rather than to measure their mathematical knowledge or calculating skills.
The questions in this part are based on a fundamental understanding of mathematics. Students should be able to reason out the correct answers if they master the fundamentals of these topics:
Students may be asked to estimate values, evaluate quantities, examine data and graphs, assess relative probabilities, grasp measures, and problem-solve in quantitative reasoning questions. The lower-level Quantitative Reasoning segment provides standard multiple-choice questions on these themes, whereas the middle and upper-level Quantitative Reasoning parts involve word problems and numerical comparisons.
1. Word Problems
In word problems, mathematical questions are set up through verbal descriptions. Typically, the questions include some information that is essential to the problem as well as some material that is meant to divert the test taker. To answer these problems, students must first correctly comprehend the question before applying mathematics to obtain the answer.
2. Quantitative Comparison Questions
A sentence with one or more words omitted is used in sentence completion questions. The response option that best completes the phrase must be chosen by the students.
Reading Comprehension
The Reading Comprehension component of the ISEE is also included on the exam’s lower, middle, and upper levels. Students are provided with a sequence of texts, each followed by a set of questions. Students must read and analyze the material in order to answer the questions.
The number of exercises and their difficulty vary according to ISEE level, but the format of this section remains the same. All of the texts will touch on history, science, literature, or current events. The pupils will be asked to:

Math Achievement
Found second on the ISEE lower, middle, and upper exams are the ISEE Math Achievement section. The Math Achievement section, unlike the Quantitative Reasoning exam, assesses the test taker’s ability to do computations and comprehend mathematical vocabulary.
While the precise ideas covered in this area differ depending on the ISEE level, all levels focus on the exact six mathematical domains as the Quantitative Reasoning section.
The ISEE essay component is the last section of all three ISEE exams: lower, middle, and upper. The essay will be forwarded to your desired private school(s) together with your results throughout the admissions process, even though it is not graded. As a way, the essay serves as a platform for students to not only exhibit their writing abilities but also to tell admissions personnel something about themselves.
Students will be given a random ISEE essay prompt during this portion and will have thirty minutes to organize their thoughts and compose an expository essay in response. Essay themes differ by grade level and are intended to be engaging and relevant to all students taking the test.


How is the ISEE Scored?
Students will get their ISEE results through an Individual Student Report, as well as a pamphlet that explains what the report entails. The report is divided into two sections: the Test Profile (which refers to overall performance) and the Analysis (which breaks down scores by section in more detail). The following phrases are used to describe the results: “scaled scores,” “percentiles,” and “stanines.” You may learn more about them by reading here.
Test Profile and Analysis
The Test Profile is the first component of the Individual Student Report, and it contains the following information:
The Analysis section, which appears underneath that information, provides a more extensive assessment of the student’s performance and expertise in many subject areas. The results for each question are shown in the Analysis, along with the number of questions in each part and the number of questions properly answered. The following symbols are used to display the outcomes of each question:
A student’s raw score, which is the score earned for successfully answered questions, is converted to a scaled score. Because ERB creates multiple versions of the exam, each with a slightly different content and difficulty level, raw results must be adjusted. Scaled scores accommodate for these changes, allowing scaled results to be compared reliably across multiple test versions.
According to a percentage scale, a student’s percentile rank reflects how they performed relative to other students of their age group during the past three years. As such, a percentile rank of 75, for example, indicates that the student performed as well or as better than 75% of all test takers.

The stanine is similar to the percentile rank in that it places student scores on a scale for easy comparison, but this time from 1-9. The higher the stanine score, the better a student has performed. Those at either end of the scale have fewer students, while those in the middle have more, representing the norms across the entire population.
The stanine analysis enables for comparing of test sections pertaining to “ability” and “achievement.” Ability exams include the Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections, while achievement assessments include the Reading Comprehension and Mathematical Achievement sections. The range shown by the darkened region in the stanine analysis part of the Test Profile indicates if there is an overlap between ability and achievement. As per the ability test, if the darkened regions don’t overlap, it means you’re falling short of your potential in that knowledge area.

Asked Questions

How to
Register for the ISEE

Families can register online, over the phone, or through mail. Since ISEE tests are on-demand, spots fill up rapidly. Therefore, it is critical to register as soon as possible for your preferred date. Although registration ends two weeks before the given test date, late registration can still be done online for one week after the official registration period closes. However, take note that an additional $30 is charged for late registration.
Registering through the ISEE website is the most convenient option you can opt for. Parents may create an online account, enroll multiple students, choose their desired testing venue and test style (paper and pencil or online). During the registration procedure, participants can choose which schools they want the results delivered to. After registration is completed, parents will receive a verification letter with all of the information and details.
If you don’t want to register through the ISEE website, you can always do so by phone. To register by phone, simply call 1-800-446-0320. You’ll be assisted by one of the friendly customer service representatives, and they will help you through the entire process.
When registering by mail, you must first get a paper copy of the registration form from the independent schools that offer the test. You must fill out the entire form and mail it with payment to the nearest regional office. Make sure you include your contact information in case there are any problems with your registration.
For those who miss the late registration deadline, some ISEE test centers provide walk-in registration. However, students must pre-register online, notify the ISEE test school’s Admissions Office, and pay by credit card only (Visa or MasterCard). The cost of a walk-in registration is an extra $40.
Why Choose
Aisha’s ISEE Tutors

For over (x) years, Aisha’s ISEE Tutors have been providing exceptional ISEE tutoring to students from around the world. We have helped thousands of students achieve their dream of attending a top-rated private school, and our success rate is unmatched. From the most competitive exam prep programs to the simplest test preps, we offer a comprehensive set of ISEE tutoring options that can help all types of students. To give you a better understanding, here are the top 3 reasons to choose Aisha’s ISEE Tutors for your needs:
We understand that every student is unique, and we treat each one accordingly. Our team knows you have different learning styles, so our tutoring programs are personalized to fit your individual academic requirements. You can choose the program that works best for your current level of education, and our teachers will craft you a study plan specifically designed to help you achieve success.
When it comes to ISEE tutoring, some students are surprised to learn how affordable our prices are. Unlike many other exam prep programs that charge students an arm and a leg, we offer rates that are significantly lower. We believe every student has the right to achieve his or her academic goals, and we want to make it as easy as possible. As such, our company offers flexible payment plans that you can start at any time.
From practice tests, study guides, and coaching programs to educational videos, you can find an array of ISEE tutoring services perfect for you. Our company has the learning tools you need to succeed on exam day. We have over 1,200+ ISEE questions to help you prepare, and our video tutorials highlight several exam topics to help you feel more confident when taking the real exam.

With 100+ Success Stories,
Yours Could Be Next Too!

Cecilia Webb

Sed odio augue, vulputate eu ornare at, placerat ut erat. Nunc pharetra consectetur tellus eget tempus. Integer euismod, est ullamcorper gravida fermentum, est quam accumsan neque, in vehicula metus eros a nunc. Nunc pretium semper lacus, non vestibulum odio laoreet eu. Nulla congue diam vel dui rhoncus, vel varius dui porta.

Cecilia Webb

Sed odio augue, vulputate eu ornare at, placerat ut erat. Nunc pharetra consectetur tellus eget tempus. Integer euismod, est ullamcorper gravida fermentum, est quam accumsan neque, in vehicula metus eros a nunc. Nunc pretium semper lacus, non vestibulum odio laoreet eu. Nulla congue diam vel dui rhoncus, vel varius dui porta.

Cecilia Webb

Sed odio augue, vulputate eu ornare at, placerat ut erat. Nunc pharetra consectetur tellus eget tempus. Integer euismod, est ullamcorper gravida fermentum, est quam accumsan neque, in vehicula metus eros a nunc. Nunc pretium semper lacus, non vestibulum odio laoreet eu. Nulla congue diam vel dui rhoncus, vel varius dui porta.

An Approach that Addresses
Your Child’s Specific Needs

Differentiated Instruction is a term used to describe a curriculum tailored to meet each student’s particular requirements. We’re a leader in differentiated Instruction, and we’ve designed our programs to provide each student a unique learning path. This implies that your child’s training will be solely focused on the areas where he or she requires the greatest assistance. This is accomplished in three ways:

One on One
A private ISEE instructor can concentrate on your child’s individual strengths and weaknesses, moving through academic areas and strategies at their own pace. Our tutor is ideally positioned to detect and fix weak points since one on one tutoring provides a secure setting for your child to ask questions and acknowledge when he or she is confused.

Practice Tests
Your child will take an initial Practice ISEE test before meeting with our tutor. This establishes a baseline for the program and provides us with an understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses. Your child will take at least 2 more full-length ISEE practice exams during the duration of the program, and our tutor will use the results to assess progress and continue to personalize the curriculum to your child’s individual requirements.

Curriculum & Homework
Our ISEE curriculum was created from the ground up with the purpose of providing a program that is tailored to the one-on-one tutoring environment. Similarly, because homework is an integral part of exam preparation, one of our tutor’s prominent roles is to evaluate and offer specific homework. The more you practice, the higher your results will be, especially if that practice is targeted to your child’s immediate academic needs.
Miss the Chance

If you want your child’s ISEE scores to soar, our tutoring program is the perfect solution. We have an amazing group of experienced and compassionate teachers who are devoted to helping students get into their dream schools. With us, you can rest assured that your child will be in good hands, getting the most out of his or her tutoring experience.
Call us today at (number), and don’t miss out on the chance!